Connect to any ODBC/ADO database which is supported by your operating system.
Autocomplete and Syntax Highlighting for faster and convenient Development.
Run SQL Queries on the connected Database.
Text Search within the SQL query results.
Replace text and text-parts within the SQL query results.
Filter out records using filters on the SQL query results.
Convert the SQL query results to lowercase or uppercase.
Add text before and/or after the original cell value of the SQL query results.
Get only unique records and filter out all multiple occurring duplicates using ehe filter Unique on the SQL query results.
Get only the multiply occurring records within the SQL query results using filter Double.
Connect two Queryer as Source and Destination to use other core modules.
Compare the SQL query results of the two connected data sources Source and Destination. Compare databases on different server sites or even different database engines like MySQL to CSV.
The Mover generates an insert or update statment for each record from the Source and executes it on the Destination. This is a fast an easy way to move data around.
Execute an custom SQL Statment ForEach record within the Source on the Destination. Use plaecholder from the Source SQL result
Cross Join SQL query results from different databases, locations or server sites afterwards. It is even possible to join an CSV or Excel file to an MySQL table.
using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Data; namespace IPlugin { public enum pluginType { Filter, Import, Export, Other, none, } public enum pluginHook { All, Main, Queryer, Mover, Other, none, } public interface IPlugin { Image Icon(); String Name { get; set; } String Description { get; set; } String Author { get; set; } String Version { get; set; } pluginType Type { get; set; } pluginHook Hook { get; set; } DataTable Process( DataTable Data, String Arg ); } }
Feel free to develop DataTable Plugins to import, export or manipulate the SQL query result afterwards. If you need any help just contact me.
Dennis Mittmann
Steinstraße 35
41836 Hückelhoven - Ratheim